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Facilities Science Lab

Facilities Science Lab

All new apartment all the laboratories-physics, chemistry, biology, maths and social science !

Science Laboratories

With the availability of the new apartment all the laboratories-physics, chemistry, biology, maths and social science are being furnished with all modern amenities to give students the most in depth understanding of all the science subjects.

Laboratory experiments play an important role in Science education and accordingly laboratories have been give a central and distinctive role in Ambition Convent School. In addition to performing curriculum related experiments students also work on special projects in the laboratory.

Physics Laboratory

Our physics laboratory is a modern one and well equipped to cater to the requirements of classes 7 and above as well as for the specific requirements of the CBSE course. The examinations in physics practicals have been held in our lab ever since the inception of the CBSE course in our school.


Chemistry Laboratory

The Chemistry laboratory at Ambition Convent School is one of the best among the schools in Nawada. It is a large room with many windows opening out into the playground. This coupled with the exhaust fans ensures that the different gases that may be given off during the experiments do not affect the students working inside.

The laboratory is occupied by sufficient no. of large tables, which have the Bunsen burners and the shelves containing the necessary reagents. There are sinks placed at different places and these are easily accessible to all students. The good utilization of the space sees that many students can be carefully accommodated in the laboratory.

The laboratory has a small enclosure where chemicals are stored and many cupboards all over to store the apparatus used by the students.

The gas cylinder that supplies to the laboratory’s Bunsen burner is kept outside to room as a precaution against accidents. However in case some accident takes place; a fire extinguisher is kept on the premises.

An attendant is always present who helps the students in gathering their apparatus.

All these excellent facilities help the students to practically and successfully carry out the experiments, which they learn about. Thus increasing their interest in the subject while instilling in them the joy of learning.

Biology Laboratory

Keeping in mind the growing importance of Biology in the world of Science, ACS offers its students, one of the best Biology Laboratories in Nawada, to inculcate in its youth the zeal to know more about the Science of Life.

To cater to the needs of the CBSE students, the laboratory is well stocked with bottled specimens ranging from tapeworms to models of various

organ systems, laminated charts and other visual aids to enable students to understand biological concepts more clearly. Specimens of butterflies, nests, bird’s eggs and an aquarium add to the beauty of the laboratory, while , the human skeleton provides a strong backbone to higher zoological studies.

"Under the guidance of the school's Biology teachers students are encouraged to observe the microcosm through slide preparations". The laboratory is also equipped with permanent slides of a variety of organisms, tissues and cell processes which help students appreciate the structural and functional complexities of life.